Stathern and Belvoir Castle, 16th January 2019

Twenty one on Glen's 8½ mile walk below the Belvoir Ridge to the Castle and back along the Terrace Hills and Jubilee Way.
Glen gives the briefing in Stathern
On the Jubilee Way
Looking back at Stathern
Sugar beet and wind turbines near Newark
In 1588 , a chain of beacons was laid throughout the land ready to give the alert at the first sight of the Spanish Armada. Belvoir, being the highest point in Leicestershire was one of these sights. This hill is still called Beacon Hill. The occasion was immortalised in the poem by Lord Macauley (1832):
And Belvoir's lordly terraces
The sign to Lincoln sent
And Lincoln sped the message
On o'er the wide Vale of Trent

Looking across the Vale towards Bottesford

Coffee stop
Then the rain - Belvoir Castle in the distance