Guidance for Walk Leaders, October 2024

Vale of Belvoir Ramblers Report to Notts Area Ramblers Meeting, Bilsthorpe, 15th October 2024

VBR has just completed its Summer Walks Programme culminating in an enjoyable Weekend Away based at HF’s Larpool Hall near Whitby with walks along the North Yorkshire coast from Robin Hood’s Bay to Whitby and from Grosmont to Goathland.  As well as our weekly Sunday walks in the four East Midlands counties, we have had mid-week, local Evening Strolls in June and July, a social Skittles Evening and our annual two-day visit to the Peak District with walks from Dove Dale and Tissington. There have had to be a few last minute changes to the Walks Programme again, mainly due to flooding, but fewer than earlier in the year. We continue to advertise walks on our own website, which is easier to modify than the Ramblers’ system, usually two months in advance.

Our Footpath Secretary has been part of the ploughing and cropping survey earlier in the year and will also be involved later this autumn. There are indications that the new enforcer is having an effect.

Following the demise of Assemble and changes to HQ’s advice on Risk Assessments, we have been encouraging existing and potential Walk Leaders to do or redo the Walk Leader Training. This has not been straightforward, especially for new Leaders as: they have to have a Ramblers Account (most do not); they have to have a unique email address (many couples share addresses); the new Ramblers Volunteering Form can only be signed off by a small number of VBR officials.   But we hope to have one more new Leaders in post soon.  We have also been diligent in carrying out Risk Assessments, with every walk reccied and a Register of Walkers kept without the assistance of smart phones or apps!

Message for existing and future VBR Walk Leaders from the VBR Committee

Ramblers have recently updated their Walk Leader Guidance and the VBR Committee want to ensure all current Walk Leaders are aware of the updated guidance.  This updated Walk Leader Guidance was included in a Ramblers Volunteering email dated 17/4/24 which no doubt you will have seen.   The 17/4/24 email includes details of guidance aimed at all existing and new Walk Leaders.  When reading the guidance you will note that there are a number of on-line training modules required for new walk leaders.  Anyone who has lead a walk before 15 May 2024 is by virtue of their experience deemed to have Grandfather Rights and is not mandated to complete the online training modules. 

However, the updated Walk Leader guidance includes some good reminders for all leaders regardless of their experience.  The VBR Committee suggest/recommend that all Walk Leaders familiarise themselves with the updated guidance and completes the on-line training modules.  Anyone who plans to lead walks in the future and has not done so before 15 May 2024 will need to complete the modules.

Walk Risk Assessments

Ramblers have produced a number of generic risk assessments than can be used by Walk Leaders.  We recommend Walk Leaders digest the Ramblers guidance about risk assessments and adhere to the requirements as outlined in the Walk Leader Guidance.  A link to the generic risk assessment for various types of walks is available here.

Walk Recces

As we all know walks need to be recced before the group walk takes place.  We need to record when recces are completed so in future could Walk Leaders please advise Dave Hobson on the date when the recce was undertaken and if a bespoke risk assessment has been produced or you as Walk Leader are using the Ramblers generic risk assessment.

In Case of Emergency cards (ICE cards)

It is important that everyone who takes part in a walk carries with them a current and completed ICE card.   These cards allow others to be aware of any health issue in the event of an accident or emergency and importantly who to contact if the need arises.  The VBR Committee will be reminding members of the need to complete and carry the ICE cards and will issue cards to anyone who needs one.  

First Aid kits

Walk Leaders have been issued with First Aid kits and these need to be carried on walks if you have one.  With regards to the contents of the First Aid kits would all those who have a kit please check the contents to ensure it’s complete.   The Ramblers recommended contents is shown here.