Nottingham to Radcliffe Waterways, 4th August 2019

John's 7½ mile linear walk started at the Canal Museum near Nottingham Railway Station and followed the Nottingham Canal to the Trent.  We then followed the river to the Water Sports Centre at Holme Pierrepoint for lunch before walking round the rowing lake and back to Radcliffe where earlier we had caught the bus into Nottingham.

Detectorists fishing for antique supermarket trolleys in the canal using neodymium magnets.  These 1 kg rare earth-magnets have a pulling force of over 200 kg

Nottingham Canal meets the Trent

How the other half lives
Lunch -  watching the action on the canoe slalom

Three men in a boat (and two small boys not in a boat!).  John's suggestion for a VBR white-water rafting trip was not met with enthusiasm

And back along Holme Lane past Holme Pierrepont Hall