Church Warsop, Cuckney and Norton, 13th October 2019

Just seven ramblers gathered at the start of Sue’s Walk in The Carrs car park in Church Warsop despite the very heavy rain which had deterred many sensible people from walking! Sue took a vote and there was unanimous support to continue.

The walk passed St Paul’s and St Peter's Church before crossing fields to Cuckney. Despite the rains the field conditions were good and many of the walk paths were dry tracks with no stiles to climb.

A coffee stop was taken at the Church of St Mary in Norton Cuckney. Later we passed a huge area of solar panels shared with sheep who use the panels for shelter and keep the grass short.

Lunch was taken sitting on logs at the edge of Sherwood Forest. The rains gradually stopped and we finished in the dry completing nearly nine miles.

A wet start

St Paul’s and St Peter's Church

Sue's in charge

Coffee stop

Cuckney Water Meadows near the River Poulter

Monument commemorating Lord George Bentnick, a past local landowner.

Wave power - I think not
