Denton, Harlaxton and the Grantham Canal, 29th June 2021

Another good turnout (17), despite the football on TV for Elaine's 4.8-mile walk starting outside the closed Welby Arms in Denton.

The route took us past Denton Church, up the fields to Harlaxton and down The Drift to Harlaxton Wharf and the Grantham Canal.  Leaving the canal at Denton Wharf we walked across to the reservoir and back to Denton.

Church Street, Denton

St Andrew's Church, Denton

The only hill, up to Harlaxton

Casthorpe Hills and Surprise View

St Mary and St Peters's Church, Harlaxton
Harlaxton village cross

Grantham Canal

Denton Wharf - drinks stop

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