Southwell and Norwood Park Evening Stroll, 15th June 2022

Elaine's 5.7 mile stroll took thirteen of us from the car park in Church Street round the back of Southwell Minster to view the orchids in Potwell Dyke Grasslands, then through the grounds of Brackenhust Agricultural College and into Norwood Park.  Approaching Mayfield Mill we turned off along the Southwell Trail, returning through the town centre.

The Palace of the Archbishop of York next to the Minster

Archbishops Palace Gardens

Common Spotted Orchids in Potwell Dyke Meadows.  Southern Marsh, Bee and Pyramidal Orchids can also be found here

Posh bug house at Brackenhurst.
In the two years since the larger image was taken, occupancy has improved as bees and other insects have plugged up the holes

A very gloomy and dry Potwell Dyke

Starkey's Fruit Farm strawberries in Norwood Park

Polytunnels at Starkey's Fruit Farm
Norwood Park Country House

Maythorne Mill (1785) on the River Greet, a cotton mill which later became a silk mill and operated until the middle of the 20th century

Caudwell's Mill on the site of Southwell's medieval Burgage Mill

Station House.  Southwell was connected to the Midland Railway network 1847 and the line was in continuous use until 1968.  The section to Farnsfield, part of which we walked, is now a nature reserve

The Minster at sunset