Harby, Hose and Harby Hills, 2nd July 2023

Sue's 5½ mile walk took seventeen ramblers through Harby Village, across Waltham Lane and along tracks to the outskirts of Hose before turning southwest along the Midshires Way towards the Harby Hills.  After crossing and recrossing the dismantled railway line to Melton, we joined Waltham Lane for a short while before turning off and retracing our steps to Harby.

The walk was followed by our annual Lunch in the Garden at Brenda's home in Barnstone with tea and cakes provided by the Committee.  Thanks everyone.

Harby War Memorial

Leaving Harby

Looking back at Harby

Approaching the Harby Hills

Crossing one of the many ironstone railways in the Vale of Belvoir

Taking advantage of the old railway track

Two over-interested horses

Escape from over-active horses

Mural on the wall of the village school

Some of Brenda's beautiful flowers