Stragglethorpe, Cotgrave, Bassingfield and Holme Pierrepont, 31st March 2024


Today's walk was changed due to adverse ground conditions on the original walk from Wymondham. Steve D led twenty two ramblers on a 7¼ mile walk starting from the Shepherds Park and Ride car park. The walk headed south on the line of the disused railway, past the new Rushcliffe Oaks Crematorium and into Cotgrave Country Park. An early coffee stop was taken at good seats and benches before taking the hard-surfaced towpath along the Grantham Canal to Bassingfield. The busy A52 was crossed and the walk entered Skylarks Nature Reserve before reaching the lunch stop at a memorial area on Holme Pierrepont Lane. Finally the walk re-crossed the A52 to finish back at Shepherds.

Thanks Steve and John for words and photos and for a walk with guaranteed dry conditions underfoot.

Shepherds Park and Ride

Good tracks for once on the track of the disused railway

Incidentally, had we turned towards Holme Lane instead of Cotgrave, we would have found the path blocked (actually demolished) by unauthorised excavation on the outskirts of Radcliffe.  Thanks for the photo, Jan

Coffee stop in Cotgrave Country Park

Grantham Canal approaching Bassingfield

Skinners Lock

Lunch at Holme Pierrepont

And back to the start