Woolsthorpe Wharf, Denton and the Grantham Canal, 28th April 2024

This walk, to be led by John J,  was originally planned for the 28th April but, because of very poor weather,  has been postponed until 12th May to replace Angela's walk from Cossington.  Description follows:

From the Dirty Duck (presently closed) the 7.4 mile walk goes along the Grantham Canal as far as Longmoor Bridge where it joins the Viking Way as far as the nearby disused ironstone railway.  After following this as far as Belvoir Road, the route drops down into Denton Village, circumnavigates Denton Reservoir and then goes across fields to Harlaxton Wharf for lunch before following the canal back to the start.

More photos can be found on John's Relive video here, made on the recce.

The Dirty Duck at Woolsthorpe Wharf