Bingham, Car Colston and Screveton, 30th June 2024

Dave C took eighteen members on a 9.4 mile route from Newgate Street car park in Bingham, up to the Margidunum roundabout and past Burrowsmoor Holt to The Green at Car Colston for coffee near the Royal Oak.  Then it was across fields to Red Lodge near the A46, down Lodge Lane into Screveton for lunch at the church, along field paths towards Scrarrington and then back to Bingham through the Industrial Estate.

Thanks John and Steve for the photos and Sue for the route.

Dave briefs members in Newgate Street car park

Coffee outside the Royal Oak, Car Colston

Our Leader

St Mary's, Car Colston

St Mary's Bug Church

Heading for the A46 at Red Lodge

Hollyhocks at Screveton

St Wilfrid's, Screveton

Field paths, some good, some not so good

Deer with identity problem near A46