Car Colston and the Trent Hills, 23rd June 2024

 Starting at the Royal Oak, Car Colston, Val and Dave's 7.3 mile walk (it seemed much longer in the heat) took eighteen of us firstly along the Screveton Road past the converted Wesleyan Chapel and St Mary's Church, then across fields to Red Lodge and over the A46 at the Kneeton junction.  More field paths took us towards Kneeton before a steep drop down to the Trent with fine views over the Trent Valley.  Lunch was taken after climbing back up the escarpment and was followed by a descent down Occupation Lane to return back over the A46 to Car Colston for refreshments.

The start on The Green outside the Royal Oak

Converted Wesleyan Chapel on the road out of the village

Saint Mary's Church

Good crops at last - leaving Car Colston

Fine brickwork on Shackerdale Farm

Dropping down steeply to the Trent, looking towards Hoveringham and Ferry Farm

A first for VBR - seats provided by our leaders who politely gave up their own

Occupation Lane - heading for the A46 bridge

Before and after - but which is which?