Beeston Lock and Attenborough Nature Reserve,14th July 2024

From Beeston Lock, Dave took thirteen members down the River Trent before turning off to reach the Nottingham and Beeston Canal which we followed back to the lock for a coffee stop in the beautiful garden of the Canalside Heritage Centre. Then we followed the Trent upstream before turning off to visit the Attenborough Nature Centre for lunch and a visit to see the Sand Martin Hide. The return was past Attenborough Church before we were diverted to return along the Trent to the start and the Canalside Heritage Centre café again.

The walk originally planned had to be shortened because of a long-term bridge safety issue near Attenborough and a path closure next to the River Trent

View from the bridge over the canal towards Nottingham

Bee hotel near the start of the walk

Group near Beeston Weir

You'll miss it when it's gone!

Clifton Wood across the River Trent

Rejoining the canal, flood defences on the left

First coffe stop of the day (second for some) in the garden of the Heritage Centre

Attenborough Nature Reserve Centre - lunch

Artificial sand martin nests.  The lower ones are blocked off to protect the chicks from mink

St Mary's Church, Attenborough

Formerly canal workers' cottages, restored in 2017

Final drinks stop of the day in the Heritage Centre garden

A very leasurely walk - 6.7 miles only