Plungar and Redmile, 7th July 2024

Brenda took 25 members on a 5-mile walk starting at St Helen's Church in Plungar down to the Grantham Canal which we followed all the way to Redmile.  The return was along field paths to Barkestone and then on the road back to Plungar.

The threatened rain came just before the end but was enough to drench us and the Lunch in the Garden at Brenda's in Barnstone became the Lunch in the Conservatory.  Eventually, the sun came out and members were given a guided tour of the colourful displays in the garden.  Thanks Brenda for hosting the lunch and for the cakes.   And others who provided cakes and the silver service.

Saint Helen's Church, Plungar

The start

A very overgrown Grantham Canal

Bridge 50

View from Bridge 50 - a bit less overgrown
Redmile Petroleum Storage Depot
All the major RAF airbases around the UK are connected to large oil refineries using a massive network of underground high pressure pipelines and Petroleum Storage Depots, referred to as the Government Pipelines and Storage System

Coffee stop near Redmile

You missed me.  Am I too late?

Farmers have little to complain about - approaching Barkestone

Silver service with mother in law's excellent teapot

Hiding from the rain in Brenda's conservatory

Brenda's splendid flowers